
Drilling number
Drilling number
  • International
  • Canada
  • US
  • 911

    Daily drilling / station

  • 194

    Daily drilling / station

  • 784

    Daily drilling / station

Crude oil prices
Crude oil prices
  • US crude oil
  • Brent
  • Latest price (USD / barrel): 78.78

    Highest:78.81 Lowest:76.22

  • Latest price (USD / barrel): 84.85

    Highest:85.34 Lowest:84



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Total plans to explore for oil off the west coast of South Africa

Release time:2022-11-29Views:656Source:

Total is planning to explore for oil off the west coast of South Africa, despite growing opposition from local environmental groups to such activities. SLR Consulting Ltd, which is carrying out the environmental assessment, said Total planned to drill one well and could drill nine more if the first one was successful.

Citing risks to Marine life and an inadequate assessment process, community and environmental activists in South Africa have sued to block seismic exploration to find oil, including Shell's planned exploration in an area known as the Wild Coast. The government regulator in charge of licensing has promised to improve the public publicity process.

Earlier this year, both Total and Shell were reported to have struck commercial oil deposits off the coast of the southern African country of Namibia that could contain "billions of barrels".